CV Aulia Maria Ulfa

Aulia Maria Ulfa

***data disembunyikan***
***data disembunyikan***
***data disembunyikan***

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*disembunyikan* (29 Tahun)

Skill & Bahasa

Ms. Office
Team Work Management
English Language


Preferensi kosong


2013 - 2018

Universitas Pancasila

Sarjana (S1) Teknik Industri - IPK 3.12

Pengalaman Kerja

Agustus 2020 - Sekarang

Account Executive

PT. Astha Beribis Grafika
November 2019 - Juni 2020

General Affair

PT. Sokonindo Automobile

Jobdesk as long as a General Affair is Order the ticket to support business trip of Sokonindo Staff and Management, Make a Purchase Order based in the request of all division, Make sure all of the assets the company working well, Assist the schedule for the driver, Assist the living space of an expat such pay the electricity, the dinner, meeting and the rent fee, pay the invoice from vendor, make a reimbustment for expat, make a schedule to maintain the asset of the company.

September 2018 - September 2019

Sales Support

PT. Bizzy Commerce Indonesia

Jobsdesk as long as a Sales Support is Create PO from Customer, Follow up the case from PO Customer, Create Price list from merchandiser Division, Make a weekly report to General Manager

Februari 2018 - Agustus 2018

Operator Admin

PT. Metra Logistik

Make a Report GSHP (Gerakan Stabilisasi Harga Pangan) for GSHP Project

Portofolio & Sertifikat


Pelatihan K3 Minyak dan Gas

75853 Pendaftar Membuat CV

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 2 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

2 Pendidikan • 5 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 4 Pengalaman • 2 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

3 Pendidikan • 5 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 0 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 2 Pengalaman • 2 Skill • 2 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 3 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

Rekomendasi Template CV

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