CV Soni Affandi

Soni Affandi

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***data disembunyikan***
***data disembunyikan***

Tentang saya

My experience in some different fields has proved me as open minded an analytical skill with a real adaption and implementation in all kind of Business Activity and a team player type of person with strong communication, critical thinking ability and creativity skills

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*disembunyikan* (55 Tahun)

Skill & Bahasa

Analytical Skill and a team player


Preferensi kosong


1995 - 1999

Economic Faculty University of Indonesia

Sarjana (S1) Operational Management - IPK 3
1989 - 1992

Borobudur College

Ahli Madya (D3) Accounting - IPK 3

and 2 pendidikan lainnya

Pengalaman Kerja

2014 - Sekarang

Expert Consultant

Stated Owned Company

Responsibility to achieve the optimum business and to maintain all the satisfaction about the quality and quantity from the customer accordingly.

2011 - 2014

Project Manager


Responsibility to get the optimum result for efficiency and achieve the timeline of some project such as Implementation of Card for consume the HDS Fuel of Public Transporation Shipping, Implementation of Car Convertion Applicator from Fuel to Gas of Public Transportation and Providing Operator in Implementation of Electronic Identity Card

1999 - 2011

Marketing Project

Wella Indonesia

With a respective previous responsibility, also have a new additional responsibility to maintain a Marketing Activity which 8 brands group with total 45 SKU about their Life Cycle. Perform the contribution of each brand for the total sales with optimizing a spending budget of promotion. To maintain each Life Cycle product regarding Market Research and their reliability on the market to meet our customer on a right place/channel.

dan 3 pengalaman lainnya

Portofolio & Sertifikat

Management Key Account

Management Development International

Brand Power

the Jakarta Consulting Group

dan 4 sertifikat lainnya

75853 Pendaftar Membuat CV

3 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 7 Skill • 4 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 0 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 3 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 4 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 2 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 0 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

Rekomendasi Template CV

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Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - CV Profesional

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CV unik yang mengusung desain simple tetapi dengan warna yang lebih mencolok untuk lebih menarik perhatian HRD, warna pink menggambarkan sosok diri pelamar yang sangat mencintai pekerjaan.

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Optimalkan peluang karier dengan CV yang ramah terhadap sistem pelacakan aplikasi (ATS). Dengan desain biru navy profesional, tidak hanya menonjolkan kualifikasi Anda, tetapi juga dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi dan menilai potensi Anda.

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Desain CV untuk melamar kerja bertema Ame berwarna merah gradasi dan mencolok supaya lebih mudah menarik perhatian HRD, Curriculum vitae zaman now dengan bercode, CV langsung terhubung online dengan cloud.

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